I get this word a very strong one, when it comes to people like us who are existing in this world of competition. I still remember the day my father told me this quote – “Survival of the Fittest”. We always complaint about being left behind in life or in a situation.

The reality is we were never able to cope up with it. The person who beat you is probably the most deserving for that position (That works the other way around as well). You will get to know that a few years later, why that position or thing was not suited for you. We’re all like Dorothy in “The Wizard of Oz,” who went on a long journey in search of the Wizard to get back home, only to find the answer was inside her all along. The further we peep into space, the more we realize that the secret of life and existence can only be found by looking into our own mind galaxies. It lies deeper. It involves our own inner selves.

A complete understanding of life can’t be found only by looking at cells, that are within us. You will find the understanding of your existence when you are lost in your own world and doing what you’d like to do the most. Let’s take an example of our own lives. Do you ever feel lively when you are doing something, that you have been asked to do? Ask yourself. I would give the answer for you. That will be a NO.

We only feel lively, when we do something that we have craved for or we love to do! The answer to life and existence is our consciousness. There will be always Pain and Strife. But as Will Durant said – ” we need to see behind the strife, the friendly aid of neighbors, the rollicking joy of children and young men, the dances of vivacious girls, the willing sacrifices of parents and lovers, the patient bounty of the soil, and the renaissance of spring. “Last, but not the least a simple message to all the readers – “Don’t just exist, Live!”

This post is written by Vijay Paul. Follow The Mood Recipes for more blog posts and articles.

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